Look for the Brown Barrels
Participating businesses are committed to helping end hunger in our community and making it easier for you to help. Bring your non-perishables/toiletries/pet food /baby products to any participating business to help us end hunger in the great Stilly Valley. For a current list, visit our website at www.ArlingtonFoodBank.org. Donations will be brought to the food bank regularly by dedicated volunteers.
Arlington Food Bank
19118 63rd Ave NE, Arlington, WA 98223
(360) 435-1631
Business Hours:
Mon: 12-1 pm (Seniors 62+ and those with disabilities only), Weds: 5:30-6:30 pm, Fri: 12-1 pm.
Application/Intake required:
Yes, on-site
Documents required:
Anyone looking for additional resources
Referrals required?: