Food Distribution
Despite severe budget cuts to food access programs like ours, we are still running this program because our community still needs food! Please reach out if you can offer support or if you need services. We offer food for pick-up at our Snohomish location and are delivering fresh produce to folks who cannot leave their place. These deliveries right now are whatever is available and how much is available at the time of harvest. Our deliveries do not have a price. Generous donations and gifts will be accepted so we can get this program expanded as needed.
Foundation for Sustainable Community DBA Farmer Frog
12129 Treosti Road, Snohomish, WA 98290
Business Hours:
Check Facebook and our website for details. Changes seasonally.
Focus of Ethnic Group Reach:
African American/Black;Asian/Pacific Islander;Latinx/Hispanic;American Indian/Alaska Native;Caucasian/white;Hawaiian/other Pacific Islander;Other;Open to all