Respite in the Community

A respite program for individals that is inclusive and encompassing. A program that supports the whole famly and client with wrap around services and social events. Helping more individuals stay on track by providing the support they need to see their life as fulfilling and safe. Building on what works and making individual changes to lives that shouldn’t be stagnant or reclusive. Collaboration: We work best when everyone, family, staff, and essential providers, all work together on building a rich daily life for every loved one. We are interested in what works for each individual family. On a typical day you will find us out in our community swimming, playing basketball at the local Y , maybe practicing shopping at a store or catching a movie. The goal at Miracles and Memories Academy is to enrich the lives of our clients and their families.
Miracles and Memories Academy
123 N. Blakeley Street, Monroe, WA 98272