Eating Disorder Treatment

We create personalized treatment programs for you, whether you are a man, woman, or adolescent living with anorexia, bulimia, and compulsive overeating. Assign you your very own team of licensed, experienced and caring eating disorder specialists. Treat your eating disorder according to the whole-person approach, addressing your physical, mental, emotional, relational, and spiritual needs. Address co-occurring issues like anxiety, depression, and substance abuse, as well as underlying issues like anger, fear, and guilt. Provide a Comprehensive Assessment that reveals, in detail, needs specific to you. Your assessment helps us create your personalized program. Offer treatment programs ranging from 4 to 12 weeks. Provide personalized meals planned and prepared by a registered dietitian. Accept most insurance plans
The Center - A Place of HOPE
547 Dayton St, Edmonds, WA 98020
(425) 771-5166
Business Hours:

M-F, 8am-7pm; Sa, 8am-4pm
