Homeless Liaison

The Kids in Transition, or KIT, program supports students who qualify as homeless under federal McKinney-Vento legislation. Students who lack a fixed, regular, or adequate nighttime residence may qualify. The Kids in Transition program works to eliminate barriers to students’ academic success and extra-curricular participation. We ensure homeless students have school supplies and provide tutoring or facilitate student participation in extended day or summer school classes. We help students participate in activities such as sports or clubs by paying required fees. KIT provides transportation for eligible students to maintain school stability, as long as the out of district commute is feasible and in the best interest of the student. A child or youth is considered homeless and qualifies for services when he or she lacks a nighttime residence that is fixed, regular, or adequate.
Granite Falls School District
205 N. Alder Ave., Granite Falls, WA 98252
(360) 691-7717
Business Hours:

Monday-Friday: 7AM-3:30PM
