School Aged Child Care - Monroe Sky Valley
We believe every child can achieve their full potential in a safe, nurturing environment. At the Y, we strengthen community through youth development because we believe that a community is stronger when all children have the opportunity to discover who they are and what they can achieve. Our School-Age Child Care program impacts youth by guiding them through skill development, positive relationships, and inspiring opportunities to explore and discover.
YMCA of Snohomish County
14033 Fryelands Blvd., Monroe, WA 98272
(360) 805-1879
Wheelchair accessible;Accessible for disabled;Designated handicapped parking
Application/Intake required:
Documents required:
1. Completed Registration Packet 2. Immunization Record 3. $50 Registration Fee 4. Bank Draft Form 5. Individual Care Forms & Medication Forms (if applicable)
Fee required?:
Check Website for Current Fees
Focus of Ethnic Group Reach:
Open to all
Other Information:
Contact; Jennifer Farlow, 360-804-2176, E-Mail: [email protected]