School & Community Garden Education

Farmer Frog supports sustainable agriculture in schools all year long. While school is in session, we work with teachers, parents, and students at all grade levels—preschool through college—to establish and maintain school gardens. Our urban farmer educators guide school staff and families to successfully grow food at the schools aznd also help ensure that the gardens are maintained in the summer. We are developing a curriculum for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEM or STEAM), and we work alongside teachers to integrate each school’s garden into the curriculum. Some students make exceptional contributions to their school gardens, and we recognize them in our Garden Warrior program. In the summer months, Farmer Frog offers externships for teachers wanting to earn summer clock hours and summer camp for students interested in sustainable food production. We also have opportunities for all involved to sell the produce that we grow at local farmers markets.
Foundation for Sustainable Community DBA Farmer Frog
23210 Paradise Lake Rd, Woodinville, WA 98077